In the media

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Our research is regularly cited in national and local news outlets; below is some of our recent press coverage.

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The New York Times

Mom and Pop Own Fewer Rental Units

Institutional investors own a growing share of rental properties in the United States, according to a report by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies. Individual investors still own more individual rental properties, as they did in 2001.

NBC News

Your Home Will Sell for a Higher Price if it Has More Likes on Social Media

Social media love isn’t limited to cute cat pics and the exploits of the Kardashian-Jenner clan: Zillow finds that some real estate listings are quick to pick up a social following, and those homes sell more quickly, and for more money. New research from Zillow shows that home listings that are saved by 30 or more people within the first week of posting sell in less than two weeks; of those, more than 40 percent sell for more money than the list price.


Los niños latinos sufren más que los blancos no hispanos cuando se mudan de casa

Cuando la familia Garita decidió mudarse de Detroit a Redford, una ciudad mayormente blanca a media hora de distancia, la hija más pequeña de esta familia mexicana dice que estaba entusiasmada. “En Detroit había demasiado ruido durante la noche para dormir bien y en Redford era más tranquilo, muy callado. Íbamos a tener nuestros propios cuartos en la nueva casa”, dice Zuarlemi Garita, que tiene diez años.

The New York Times

Major Rental-Home Companies Set to Merge as U.S. House Prices Recover

After the housing market collapsed more than a decade ago, new investors poured in to buy foreclosed homes and rent them out. Now, a $4.3 billion deal suggests that the bargain-hunting binge in housing is finally over. Two of the biggest institutional single-family landlords in the United States said Thursday that they planned to merge, an indication that the housing market has recovered much of the ground it lost in the financial crisis.