John T. Dunlop Lecture

John T. DunlopThe Center's annual John T. Dunlop Lecture honors a labor economist who played a central role in the creation of the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies and its Policy Advisory Board, which supports housing research at Harvard.

A longtime member of the Harvard faculty, Dunlop was dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences from 1969 to 1973, served as US Secretary of Labor in the Ford administration, and worked for every US president from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Bill Clinton. He was also a mediator in numerous labor-management disputes, where he was known for developing innovative, multi-party agreements.

2025 Dunlop Lecture

Reimagining Social Housing with Peter Barber 

Previous Dunlop Lectures

Dr. Margot Kushel

Director, Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative
The Toxic Problem of Poverty + Housing Costs: Lessons from New Landmark Research About Homelessness

Andrew Bernheimer

Owner, Bernheimer Architecture
Where Is the Architecture? Finding Design and Community Amidst Constraints 

The Honorable Marcia L. Fudge

Secretary, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Building the World We Want to See: What Do We Want Our Legacy to Be?

Michael Maltzan

Design Principal, Michael Maltzan Architecture
Addressing Homelessness: What Can (and Can't) Architecture Do?

Kimberly Dowdell

Partner, Century Partners; President, National Organization of Minority Architects
Diverse City: How Equitable Design and Development Will Shape Urban Futures

Raphael Bostic

President and CEO
Federal Reserve Board of Atlanta

Angela Glover Blackwell

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, PolicyLink
Policy + Place: Building Communities of Opportunity

Jonathan F.P. Rose

Founder & President, The Jonathan Rose Companies

J. Ronald Terwilliger

Chairman, Enterprise Community Partners Vice Chairman, Enterprise Community Investment Chairman Emeritus, Trammel Crow Residential
Housing America's Increasingly Diverse Population

Senator Mel Martinez

Former U.S. Senator and HUD Secretary Chairman, Southeast and Latin America, JPMorgan Chase Co-Chair, Bipartisan Policy Center Housing Commission
America's Housing Policy: Charting a Course for Recovery

Jonathan Reckford

President and Chief Executive Officer Habitat for Humanity International
Three Myths About Affordable Housing

Marc Morial

President and Chief Executive Officer National Urban league
Promoting Innovative Housing Policy and Practice: Lessons from the Past, Challenges for the Future

The Honorable Shaun Donovan

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Toward a More Sustainable Future: Housing, Place and the New Federalism

Lewis S. Ranieri

Prime Originator and Founder
Ranieri Partners Management LLC Revolution in Mortgage Finance

F. Barton Harvey

Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Enterprise Community Partners
A Decent Home and Suitable Living Environment for all Americans: Rhetoric or Legitimate Goal?

Jack Kemp

Founder and Chairman Kemp Partners
The Role of Democratic-Capitalism in a Gulf Coast Renaissance

Kim B. Clark

Dean and George F. Baker Professor of Administration
Harvard Business School
The University and the World of Business: Creating Deep Knowledge with Power and Practice

Henry G. Cisneros

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
American CityVista
Homes for Americans in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities for the Nation

Angelo R. Mozilo

Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
Countrywide Financial Corporation
The American Dream of Homeownership: From Cliche to Mission

Herbert V. Kohler, Jr.

Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
Kohler Co.
Designing Form and Function in the American Home

Barbara T. Alexander

Senior Advisor
UBS Warburg LLC
The U.S. Homebuilding Industry: A Half Century of Building the American Dream

Kent W. Colton

Former Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer
National Association of Home Builders
Housing at the Millenium