BAMBOO REVISITED: Pre-Fabricated Bamboo Shelters for Maui's Fire-Affected Communities Martin Bechthold, Kumagai Professor of Architectural Technology Harvard Graduate School of Design Michael Chang Harvard Graduate School of Design
Comparative Analysis of the Embodied Carbon in HVAC Systems Holly Samuelson, Associate Professor of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Lyu Yiwei Harvard Graduate School of Design
Comprehensive Housing Plans and Housing Trust Funds James Carras, Adjunct Lecturer Harvard Kennedy School Brandy Benjamin Harvard Graduate School of Design
Enriching Density: Re-imagining Downtown San Francisco as a Modern Mixed-Use Neighborhood Alexander Yuen, Lecturer in Urban Design Harvard Graduate School of Design Manuel Lantigua Inoa Harvard Graduate School of Design
Healthy Homes, Healthy Kids: Investigating Housing and Neighborhood Factors in Pediatric Asthma and Lead Poisoning Marissa Hauptman, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Harvard Medical School Joseph Wilson Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Housing for Intergenerational Shared Living Farshid Moussavi, Professor in Practice of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Meredith Busch Harvard Graduate School of Design
Hydrosocial Dynamics and Community Engagement: Advancing Environmental Justice in Informal Settlements in Buenos Aires Gareth Doherty, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Brian Kohan Harvard Graduate School of Design
Missing Middle Typologies in Boston: The Case for the Single Stair Timothy Love, Lecturer in Real Estate Harvard Graduate School of Design Lily Saniel-Banrey Harvard Graduate School of Design
Off-Site-Manufacturing vs Housing Shortages George L. Legendre, Professor in the Practice of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Andres Lira Vigneaux Harvard Graduate School of Design
A New Framework to Inform Public Housing Design Using Crowdsourcing and Computer Vision Holly Samuelson, Associate Professor of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Charu Srivastava Harvard Graduate School of Design
Accessorized Dwelling Units: Re-Dressing the Rural Shed Jenny French, Assistant Professor in Practice of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Ian Erickson Harvard Graduate School of Design
Affordable Housing in China's First-Tier Megacities Diane Davis, Charles Dyer Norton Professor of Regional Planning and Urbanism Harvard Graduate School of Design Juncheng Yang Harvard Graduate School of Design
Measurement of Neighborhood Disinvestment in Boston, MA Gary Adamkiewicz, Associate Professor of Environmental Health and Exposure Disparities Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Taylor Robinson Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
New New Zealand Housing Yun Fu, Design Critic in Urban Planning and Design Harvard Graduate School of Design
The Value of Public Meetings for Planning Board Members Justin de Benedictis-Kessner, Assistant Professor of Public Policy Harvard Kennedy School Aidan Connaughton Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Ukraine Housing Research: Construction and Reconstruction Eve Blau, Adjunct Professor of the History and Theory of Urban Form and Design Harvard Graduate School of Design Angela Wheeler Harvard Graduate School of Design
Why Has Productivity Declined in the Construction Sector? The Role of Firm Size and Building Regulation Edward Glaeser, Fred and Eleanor Glimp Professor of Economics Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences Leonardo D'Amico Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Collective Modes of Housing Acquisition in Lima, Peru Kirsten Weld, Professor of History Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences José Carlos Fernández Salas Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Community participation & informal bargaining in building affordable housing through Massachusetts 40B Alexandra Killewald, Professor of Sociology Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences Aaron Fernandez Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Documenting the Landscape of Neighborhoods & Commercial Vacancies in NYC & LA Rachel Meltzer, Plimpton Associate Professor of Planning and Urban Economics Harvard Graduate School of Design
Eating the Desert: Residential Patterns in the Upland Mezquital Valley Montserrat Bonvehi, Lecturer in Landscape Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Supriya Ambwani Harvard Graduate School of Design
Guidelines for Healthy Post-Olympic Development Ann Forsyth, Ruth and Frank Stanton Professor of Urban Planning & Director of the Master in Urban Planning Program Harvard Graduate School of Design Lindsey Meyer Harvard Graduate School of Design
Landlord Concentration in the United States Winnie van Dijk, Assistant Professor of Economics Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences Stephanie Kestelman Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Material Landscape & Craft in Nigeria: A Catalogue of Makers & Dwellings Toshiko Mori, Robert P. Hubbard Professor in the Practice of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Sumayyah Sunmade Raji Harvard Graduate School of Design
Urban Indian Relocation Policy Research Eve Blau, Adjunct Professor of the History and Theory of Urban Form and Design Director of Research Harvard Graduate School of Design Zoë Toledo Harvard Graduate School of Design
An Institutional Analysis of Maintenance Jennifer Molinsky, Lecturer in Urban Planning and Design Harvard Graduate School of Design Yazmine Mihojevich, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Assessing the potential formandated retrofit standards in single family homes to aid in local decarbonization goals Holly Samuelson, Associate Professor of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Allison Hyatt, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Comfort-Aware Generative Design for Housing Design Exploration Jose Luis García del Castillo y López, Lecturer in Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Runjia Tian, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Developing Carbo-Negative Building Materials Martin Bechthold, Director of the Master in Design Engineering Program & Kumagai Professor of Architectural Technology Harvard Graduate School of Design Daniel Tish, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Extended-Family Wealth Race and the Transition to Homeownership Alexandra Killewald, Professor of Sociology Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences Cherrie Nicole Bucknor, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Small Infrastructures Michelle Chang, Assistant Professor of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design
The Artist-Developer: A Case Study of Impact Through Art-Centered Development in African-American Neighborhoods Ann Forsyth, Ruth and Frank Stanton Professor of Urban Planning Harvard Graduate School of Design Aisha Densmore-Bey, Harvard Graduate School of Design
The Nocturnal Use of Housing in Kuwait Gareth Doherty, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design
The Spirit of The Rent Party: Race Community Development and Culture in the U.S. Housing System Lisa Haber-Thomson, Lecturer in Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Darien Carr Harvard Graduate School of Design
’Temporary’ Homes and Permanent Cultural Hierarchies: Variations in Zoning Reflect and Create Housing Inequities in Rural Communities Susan Nigra Snyder, Lecturer in Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Bailey Brown, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Assessing and Mitigating Adverse Health Impacts from Indoor Air Pollution due to the Shift of Occupancy Pattern during COVID-19 Pandemic Jack Spengler, Akira Yamaguchi Professor of Environmental Health and Human Habitation Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Dijuan Liang, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Autonomous Adaption: the Landscape of Homeowner Response to Climate Change Hazards Mary Waters, John L. Loeb Professor of Sociology Harvard University Brianna Castro, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Beyond Policing: Public Safety in a Public Housing Project Chris Winship, Diker-Tishman Professor of Sociology Harvard Graduate School of Design Jasmine Oliver, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Beyond the Toilet: Evaluating Ecological Sanitation Systems to Improve Housing in Rural-Yucatan, Mexico Diane Davis, Charles Dyer Norton Professor of Regional Planning and Urbanism Harvard Graduate School of Design Juan-Davide Grisales, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Cherokee Nation Affordable Housing: Working Within Complex Networks of Power to Create Positive Outcomes for Minority Groups Susan Nigra Snyder, Lecturer in Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design George Thomas, Lecturer in Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Bailey Brown, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Collectives Born of Crisis: Drawing Connections between Crises and their Influence on the Formation of American Collective Housing Models Jenny French, Assistant Professor in Practice of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Melodie Sanches, Harvard Graduate School of Design
COVID-19 Pandemic Natural Experiment: Comparing Housing Security Policies in Urban America Jock Herron, Design Critic in Design Engineering & Design Critic in Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Cate Tompkins, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Developing a Climate Change Course Syllabus and Researching a Model for Participatory Climate Change Retreat Jerold Kayden, Frank Backus Williams Professor of Urban Planning and Design Harvard Graduate School of Design Saul Levin, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Do Rising Housing Costs Affect Health? Evidence from a Nationally Representative Survey of Low- and Middle-Income Americans David Cutler, Otto Eckstein Professor of Applied Economics Harvard Graduate School of Design Noémie Sportiche, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Equitable Impacts Framework Pilot Stephen Gray, Associate Professor of Urban Design Harvard Graduate School of Design Brett Merriam, Harvard Graduate School of Design
From Physical to Financial: (Re-) Injecting Communal Life into the Developer-Led Multi-Family Housing Model John May, Assistant Professor of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Milos Mkladenovic, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Housing Adaptation: Modern Housing Districts and the Evolution of Collectivity Eve Blau, Adjunct Professor of the History and Theory of Urban Form and Design Harvard Graduate School of Design Adriana Pablos, Harvard Graduate School of Design
In It Together: Models for Owner-Developed Collective Housing in America Jenny French, Assistant Professor in Practice of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Isaac Pollan, Harvard Graduate School of Design Diandra Rendradjaja, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Infrastructure-based Community Development Lily Song, Lecturer in Urban Planning and Design and Research Associate Harvard Graduate School of Design Elifmina Mizrahi, Harvard Graduate School of Design Fiona Riley, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Investigating Mold Prevention for Public Housing in a Changing Climate Holly Samuelson, Assistant Professor of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Sara Tepfer, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Investigating the Sites-and-Services Model and Its Relevance for Today Rahul Mehrotra, John T. Dunlop Professor in Housing and Urbanization Harvard Graduate School of Design Aeshna Prasad, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Isle de Jean Charles, Louisiana: Climate Change, Culture, and Future Housing Solutions Susan Nigra Snyder, Lecturer in Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design George Thomas, Lecturer in Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Emma Lewis, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Land of Chicory: Please Do Not Cut Jill Desimini, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Ciara Stein, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Remote Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Exploring How Students, Faculty, and Staff Collaborate from Home Ann Forsyth, Ruth and Frank Stanton Professor of Urban Planning Harvard Graduate School of Design Ashley Tannenbaum, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Residential Heat Vulnerability in Urban India Holly Samuelson, Assistant Professor of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Aditi Agarwal, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Rethinking Housing Design Rules of Thumb for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Rather Than Energy Efficiency Holly Samuelson, Assistant Professor of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Ilia Yazdanpanah, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Social Isolation During Social Distancing: Coronavirus’ Implications for Chronic Loneliness Amongst Older Adults Ann Forsyth, Ruth and Frank Stanton Professor of Urban Planning Harvard Graduate School of Design Ashley Mehrotra, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Tailoring for Talents: The New Form of Public Rental Housing in Shanghai Bing Wang, Associate Professor in Practice of Real Estate and the Built Environment Harvard Graduate School of Design Weiyi Cao, Harvard Graduate School of Design
The Rise of Institutional Investment in Single Family Residential and the Potential Impact on Middle-class Wealth Bing Wang, Associate Professor in Practice of Real Estate and the Built Environment Harvard Graduate School of Design Kyle Ryan, Harvard Graduate School of Design
A Study of the Changing Housing Environments for Sub-Saharan Migrants in Rome, Italy Susan Snyder, Lecturer in Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design George Thomas, Lecturer in Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Elena Clarke, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Back to the Middle: Los Angeles and the Future of Single-Family Housing Andrew Holder, Associate Professor of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Vladamir Gintoff, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Cities of Amber: Antigrowth Politics and the Making of Modern Liberalism, 1960–1996 Lisa McGirr, Professor of History Harvard University Jacob Anbinder, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Climate Change Resilience: Assessing Future Mold-Growth Risks in Housing Holly Samuelson, Assistant Professor of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Pamela Cabrera, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Deciding to Do More: Volunteerism in Local Community Organizations Serving Unhoused Individuals Mario Small, Grafstein Family Professor of Sociology Harvard University Abigail Mariam, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Democracy Electric: Energy and Economic Citizenship in an Urbanizing America Abby Spinak, Lecturer in Urban Planning and Design Harvard Graduate School of Design
Housing Stability in Access to Justice D. James Greiner, The Honorable S. William Green Professor of Public Law Harvard Law School
Inequality in FEMA Individual Housing Assistance by Family and Neighborhood Characteristics Mary Waters, John L. Loeb Professor of Sociology and PVK Professor of Arts and Sciences Harvard University Ethan Raker, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Harvard University
Architectural, Institutional and Social Transitions in Post-Danwei Era of Beijing Michael Hays, Eliot Noyes Professor of Architectural Theory Harvard Graduate School of Design Boya Guo, Department of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design
Investigating Sources & Drivers of Disparities in Indoor Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations in urban communities Gary Adamkiewicz, Assistant Professor of Environmental Health and Exposure Disparities Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health MyDzung Chu, Population Health Sciences Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Living in the Struggle: Black Power, Gay Liberation, and Women’s Liberation Movements in Atlanta, 1964-1996 Lizabeth Cohen, Howard Mumford Jones Professor of American Studies Harvard University Andrew Pope, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Squatting: Surviving Poverty and Displacement in Greater Oakland Devah Pager, Peter and Isabel Malkin Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Sociology Harvard University Joseph Wallerstein, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
The Chinese Superblockism: Governance, Community and Housing in the Post-1950s Xi’an Peter Rowe, Raymond Garbe Professor of Architecture and Urban Design and Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor Harvard Graduate School of Design Liang Wang, Harvard Graduate School of Design
The Community Land Trust as an Alternative to Provide Affordable Housing in Latin America Diane Davis, Charles Dyer Norton Professor of Regional Planning and Urbanism Harvard Graduate School of Design Jose Fernandez, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Cases on Contemporary Public Housing and Ecological Urbanism in Latin America Gareth Doherty, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Mariana Guimarães, Department of Urban Planning and Design, Department of Environmental Health Harvard Graduate School of Design, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Contemporary Cohousing Platforms Bing Wang, Associate Professor in Practice of Real Estate and the Built Environment Harvard Graduate School of Design Van-Tuong Nguyen, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Embodied Inequality: Housing Structure and Long-Term Consequences of Toxic Exposure Robert Sampson, Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences Harvard University Alix Winter, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Homeownership and the Limits of the American Dream Jennifer Hochschild, H.L. Jayne Professor of Government, Professor of African and African American Studies, and Harvard College Professor Harvard University Tess Elizabeth Wise, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Integration and Stigmatization in the Inner City: Contradictory outcomes of progressive social housing for displaced population in Bogota Diane Davis, Charles Dyer Norton Professor of Regional Planning and Urbanism Harvard Graduate School of Design Maria Atuesta, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Interrogating Density Ann Forsyth, Ruth and Frank Stanton Professor of Urban Planning Harvard Graduate School of Design
Peter Pan Housing: A Prototype for the Surban Millennial Grace La, Professor of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design
Politics of Air Rights: New Planning Challenges in the Making of Boston's New Skyscrapers Sai Balakrishnan, Assistant Professor of Urban Planning Harvard Graduate School of Design
The Discriminatory Impact of “Illegal Act Eviction” Laws on Women in Public Housing Esme Caramello, Clinical Professor of Law Harvard Law School
An Ethnography of Blocked Mobility in an American City Mario Small, Grafstein Family Professor of Sociology Harvard University Tom Wooten, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Doubling-Up Among Families with Children Alexandra Killewald, Professor of Sociology Harvard University Hope Harvey, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Effects of AC-Use: Patterns of Heat Stress Among Senior Residents of Affordable Housing John Spengler, Akira Yamaguchi Professor of Environmental Health and Human Habitation Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Augusta Williams, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Measuring Housing Discrimination after Re-Entry: An Audit Story Bruce Western, Professor of Sociology Harvard University Brielle Bryan, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Residential Mobility, Housing, and Pathways of Urban Inequality in Greater Los Angeles Robert Sampson, Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences Harvard University Jared Schachner, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
The Effect of Economic Shocks on College Completion David Deming, Professor of Public Policy Harvard Kennedy School Zachary Mabel, Harvard Graduate School of Education
The Organization of Neglect: Landlord Behavior and Neighborhood Disinvestment Matthew Desmond, John L. Loeb Professor of Sociology Harvard University Adam Travis, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
The Politics of Urban Densification: A Study of Rapid and Successful Densification in Rydeback, Sweden Michael Hooper, Associate Professor of Urban Planning Harvard Graduate School of Design Elliot Kilham, Harvard Graduate School of Design
The Role of Cultural Districts in a Hot Market: A Case Study of Seattle Susan Nigra Snyder, Lecturer in Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design George Thomas, Lecturer in Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Mina Kim, Harvard Law School
Case Study: Participatory Urban Improvements in Oaxaca Diane Davis, Charles Dyer Norton Professor of Regional Planning and Urbanism Harvard Graduate School of Design
MLK Atlas Daniel D'Oca, Associate Professor in Practice of Urban Planning Harvard Graduate School of Design
Neighborhood-Level Consequences of Eviction Matthew Desmond, John L. Loeb Associate Professor of the Social Sciences Harvard University
Planning for Affordable Housing James Carras, Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy Harvard Kennedy School
State Sponsored Public Housing in Navi Mumbai: Final Projects 1980-1990 Rahul Mehrotra, John T. Dunlop Professor in Housing and Urbanization Harvard Graduate School of Design
Where Are We Since the Fair Housing Act of 1968 Ann Forsyth, Ruth and Frank Stanton Professor of Urban Planning Harvard Graduate School of Design
Elements of Urban Design - Housing as the Driver of the Urban Project Felipe Correa, Assistant Professor of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design
Managed Retreat and Housing Values: Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Floodplain Buyouts Joyce Klein-Rosenthal, Assistant Professor of Urban Planning Harvard Graduate School of Design
Parametric Energy Simulation of High-Rise Multi-Family Housing Holly Samuelson, Assistant Professor of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Kanika Arora, Harvard Graduate School of Design Yuijao Chen, Harvard Graduate School of Design Apoorv Goyal, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Towers on the steppe: Compact city plans and local perceptions of urban densification in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Michael Hooper, Associate Professor of Urban Planning Harvard Graduate School of Design Raven Anderson, Harvard Graduate School of Design Aldarsaikhan Tuvshinbat, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Wood in Contemporary Housing Kiel Moe, Associate Professor of Architecture & Energy Harvard Graduate School of Design