What Works in Community Investing: A Community Development Summit
On Friday, November 8, 2013, the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Low Income Investment Fund, and Citi Foundation hosted a half-day community investing summit at the Harvard Graduate School of Design.
The full summit is available to watch on YouTube:
Watch Part One (welcome, keynote, and first panel)
Watch Part Two (second panel and wrap-up)
One in six Americans now lives in poverty — the highest level in half a century. Poverty has spread beyond cities to suburbs and communities and is being transferred from one generation to the next. At the same time, we know more about what it takes to build vibrant communities and to help people lead healthy, productive lives. We also know that expanding access to affordable housing, good schools, transportation, jobs, and even supermarkets and parks, can mean better health and life outcomes for people and revitalize whole communities. Our half-day summit looked at the innovative ideas that can bring new opportunities to America’s struggling communities, and called on leaders from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to recognize that they can work smarter and achieve more by working together.
1:00 pm - WELCOME
Eric S. Belsky, Managing Director, Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies
1:15 pm -KEYNOTE
Lizabeth Cohen, Dean, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University
2:00 pm - PANEL 1: WHAT WORKS
Prabal Chakrabarti, VP Community Development, Regional and Community Outreach, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (moderator)
Tom Bledsoe, President and CEO, Housing Partnership Network
Elyse Cherry, President and CEO, Boston Community Capital
Shirley Franklin, Chairman and CEO, Purpose Built Communities; President, Clarke-Franklin and Associates, Inc.; Former Mayor of Atlanta
Chrystal Kornegay, President and CEO, Urban Edge
Jack Shonkoff, Director, Center on the Developing Child, Harvard UniversitY
3:30 pm - BREAK
Nancy Andrews, President & CEO, Low Income Investment Fund (moderator)
Stephen Fitzgerald, Philanthropy Director, Global Corporate Responsibility, Bank of America
Pam Flaherty, President and CEO, Citi Foundation
Aaron Gornstein, Undersecretary for Housing and Community Development, Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development
Paul Grogan, President and CEO, Boston Foundation
Ben Hecht, President and CEO, Living Cities
5:15 pm - WRAP-UP
David Erickson, Director, Center for Community Development Initiatives, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Co-sponsored by Boston LISC (Local Initiatives Support Corporation), CHAPA (Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association) and MACDC (Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations).
Also co-sponsored by the following student groups: the Harvard Graduate School of Design Real Estate Development Club and the Urban Planning Organizaion (HUPO), the Harvard Kennedy School Social & Urban Policy Professional Interest Council(SUPPIC) and the Real Estate PIC, the Harvard Business School Real Estate Club, and the Harvard Law School Child & Youth Advocates Group