Which Older Adults Have Access to America’s Most Livable Neighborhoods? An Analysis of AARP’s Livability Index
Around the world, a rapidly aging population has helped spur a recognition of the importance of creating livable and age-friendly neighborhoods and places where people of all ages can maintain independence and a high quality of life but, according to our new report with the AARP Public Policy Institute, which examines the AARP Livability Index, there are significant differences between who has access to the country’s most livable communities. In the United States, these differences occur in part because communities developed without fully considering how residents’ needs and circumstances can change over time. Most older adults, including those with long-term care needs, live in the community rather than in institutional settings, and most want to “age in place”—that is, remain in their homes or communities as they age. Thus, local officials and stakeholders must assess how well their communities are meeting the needs of community members at every life stage.