LIVESTREAM: The Housing Finance System During the Pandemic and Beyond
Location: Online
Join us for a conversation with Don Layton, the former CEO of Freddie Mac who is now a Senior Industry Fellow at the Center. A self-described technocrat who had a long career in banking and finance, Layton has been drawing on his experience to assess current proposals for housing finance reform, correcting what he sees as misconceptions about how the US housing finance system works. Given the economic havoc brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, Layton will review the major points of stress in the housing finance system that will be tested by this crisis. Taking a longer view, the discussion will also describe the intertwining of economics and politics that have dominated and, he believes, often distorted that system in negative ways. He will also outline practical suggestions for policymakers who, like him, believe government can and should play a positive role in housing finance going forward.