Homes for Living: The Fight for Social Housing and a New American Commons

Location: MIT’s City Arena, Samuel Tak Lee Building (MIT 9-255), Cambridge, MA

Speaker(s): Jonathan Tarleton

In Homes for Living: The Fight for Social Housing and a New American Commons, Jonathan Tarleton introduces readers to two social housing co-ops in New York City where residents are pondering significant changes. Should they maintain the rules that have kept units affordable for decades but limit the financial returns they can get for their units? Or should they change those rules in ways that would allow them to reap significant financial windfalls but will make the units—and the communities in the building—inaccessible to new residents of modest means? In exploring these debates, Tarleton lays bare competing visions of what ownership means, what homes are for, and what neighbors owe each other.

Lunch will be provided.
In-person only; no registration required.

Co-Sponsor(s): Housing, Community + Economic Development Group at MIT DUSP

Jonathan Tarleton and his book Homes for Living.