In the media

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Our research is regularly cited in national and local news outlets; below is some of our recent press coverage.

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Associated Press

Some renters may get relief from biggest apartment construction boom in decades, but not all

Expanding the supply of modestly priced rentals would help alleviate the strain from so many new apartments targeting renters with high incomes, “although additional subsidies will be needed to make housing affordable to households with the lowest incomes,” researchers at Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies wrote in a recent report.


U.S. Building More Apartments Than It Has In Decades, But Not For the Poor: Report

According to Sophia Wedeen, a research analyst at the Joint Center for Housing Studies, some of the problems laid out in the report can be remedied with subsidies like housing vouchers. “Housing assistance is really effective and wonderful for the households who get it, and obviously, there's not nearly enough funding,” Wedeen said in an interview with Motherboard.