In the media

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Our research is regularly cited in national and local news outlets; below is some of our recent press coverage.

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U.S. Building More Apartments Than It Has In Decades, But Not For the Poor: Report

According to Sophia Wedeen, a research analyst at the Joint Center for Housing Studies, some of the problems laid out in the report can be remedied with subsidies like housing vouchers. “Housing assistance is really effective and wonderful for the households who get it, and obviously, there's not nearly enough funding,” Wedeen said in an interview with Motherboard.

Los Angeles Times

You don’t need this report to know California’s housing market is grim, but here you go

A new Harvard study confirms what most Californians can plainly see: housing is getting increasingly unaffordable in the Golden State, despite more people leaving. In their 2023 State of the Nation’s Housing report, researchers with Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies note that the market for both for-sale and rental houses has cooled, though homeowners and renters face costs above pre-pandemic levels.


Supply of low-cost apartments dwindled over last decade, study says

Naturally occurring affordable housing is basically cheap enough for low-income people to afford it without a government subsidy. “These tend to be older units, units in some cases that might not be particularly desirable in terms of the location or the kind of amenity value of those units,” explained Alex Hermann, a housing researcher at Harvard.