Single-family rentals have long been an important part of the US housing stock. But according to our latest State of the Nation’s Housing report, investor purchases of single…
Sharon Cornelissen, Alexander Hermann, Peyton Whitney
June 26, 2023
Small multifamily homes are a popular means of facilitating immigrant homeownership. Since 2019, co-author Sharon has conducted ethnographic and qualitative research in…
Rents across the US rose at an unprecedented pace in the second half of 2021, according to our new America’s Rental Housing 2022 report. As rental markets tightened and…
While still a relatively small share of all new housing, record numbers of single-family rentals were built in 2020. And young, modest-income families with children are more…
The economic pain we are experiencing in the wake of the pandemic calls for unprecedented government action to contain the fallout from a policy-induced economic coma. It…
The growth in high-income renters, the nation’s limited housing supply, and the tendency for new construction to be aimed at the top of the market have all contributed to the…
A significant decline in low-cost rental units over the past three decades has exacerbated housing affordability pressures faced by low-income renters, according to a new…
Much of the writing that I will undertake in my fellowship year at the Joint Center for Housing Studies will address the Trump administration’s and Congress’s administrative…
Census data released last month show that after years of stagnation, construction of smaller homes grew appreciably in 2016. New completions for homes under 1,800 square feet…